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March 15, 2025

Mortgage Choice launches campaign to recruit more female brokers

The brokerage group today (5 June) launched a new campaign to help increase the number of women in the mortgage broking industry.

The REA Group brokerage brand Mortgage Choice has launched a focused campaign to recruit more women into broking.

The campaign, which went live on social media today (5 June), aims to “change the stats”, noting that the proportion of female brokers is at the lowest level on record.

According to statistics from the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) Industry Intelligence Service, just 25.4 per cent of brokers were women (as at September 2022), the lowest proportion recorded since tracking of this figure began.

Indeed, the proportion of female brokers in industry has been falling steadily over the years despite the number of female recruits increasing.

For example, the MFAA has found that there were 3,358 female brokers in the industry in September 2022 — 49 more than there were in March 2022 and 109 more than there were in September 2021.

Despite this, the proportion of female brokers in the industry has seen a decrease of 0.2 percentage points year on year, at 25.4 per cent, the lowest proportion observed.

As part of its commitment to “support and promote female talent”, Mortgage Choice is now promoting the benefits of broking in a new campaign.

In it, the brokerage group highlights key attractions of becoming a broker.

This article is originally feature in TheAdviser