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Podcasts by Robyn Tongol - March 9, 2022

Women in advice in 2022

On a new episode of the ifa Show, host Neil Griffiths is joined by award-winning financial adviser and the founder and CEO of WOW Women’s Group, Tracey Sofra.

To coincide with International Women’s Day this week, Neil sat down with Tracey to discuss the state of gender equality in the Australian advice industry, how far it’s come and how much more it’s got to go.

“We're around the 15 to 20 per cent representation, which that figure's been around for quite a while, [it] hasn't changed a lot,” Tracey said.

On this episode, Tracey also expressed why financial planning should be considered both as a career and client by women.

“I think it's a magnificent profession for women, so much flexibility. It is a tune to our natural abilities as women from a compassionate point of view, from an emotional intelligence connectivity view, it allows great flexibility,” she said.

“[Women are] more comfortable with female financial advisers… women out in the community need advice and when they seek it, there's not enough of them in the industry to provide that advice.”

This article was originally featured in ifa.